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America Recycles Day November 15th

By Nov 08, 2019 - Recycle

America Recycles Day, held every year on November 15, is a nationally recognized event dedicated to increasing recycling in our communities. In Santa Barbara County, you'll find everything you need to know about recycling right here at

Recycling markets have changed quite a bit lately, so what you may have put in your bin earlier this year might not be recyclable now. Some of our plastics, for example, used to be shipped to Asian markets, where they were processed and then sold to manufacturers overseas. New foreign policies, however, now make the export of recyclables to Asian countries very limited.

While recyclers in the United States gear up to build new facilities and increase domestic capacity, please only put the following items in your residential recycling bin:

Many of us "wish-cycle," meaning we put items in the recycling bin if we're not sure what to do with them. Material that is non-recyclable creates more work for the processing facilities and contributes to the residual trash that must be trucked back to our landfill. Use our search bar to learn how to recycle a particular item or call your waste hauler if you're not sure.

And don't forget! We also have tons of great info about how to reduce waste in the first place. Be sure to take a look at our Reduce and Reuse section.

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