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Businesses with Hazardous Waste works best in modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer 8. All are free to download and will greatly improve your internet experience. Wastes in this section are dangerous to you and the environment. Handle them carefully and dispose of them properly. Legally, households may not transport more than 15 gallons of wet or 125 pounds of dry hazardous materials. Read about the regulation.

Businesses tend to generate more hazardous waste than households, and the waste can be very different from what a household would have. Because of this, businesses are treated differently when it comes to hazardous waste disposal.

Businesses must schedule an appointment prior to dropping off their waste, and they pay for disposal directly. Households, on the other hand, generally do not need an appointment and pay for disposal through an automatic fee built into their trash bill.

Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators

Businesses that generate less than 100 kilograms (27 gallons or 220 pounds) of hazardous waste per month, including a maximum of 1 kilogram (1 quart or 2.2 pounds) of acutely hazardous waste, are classified as Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQGs) and can use the centers listed on this page. Businesses that produce more than this amount are required to use a licensed hazardous waste hauler to manifest and transport their waste.

Businesses that generate waste on an ongoing basis are required by law to have a State or Federal ID number ("CAL EPA ID number").  You can find more information on the Department of Toxic Substances Control website. Some businesses that generate and handle universal waste, and businesses that generate less than 100 kg per month of photographic waste containing silver are exempt from having a CAL EPA ID number. However, to use the Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center as a CESQG, we require all businesses to attain a CAL EPA ID number.

Large Quantity Generators

Businesses that produce more than 27 gallons or 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month are required to use a licensed hazardous waste hauler to manifest and transport their waste.

CESQG Collection Programs

Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center

Businesses in Santa Barbara County that qualify as a CESQG are eligible to use the Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center (CHWCC) on Fridays by appointment. Businesses are charged a user fee of $29.00 for processing and administration costs, plus a disposal fee based on the types and quantities of waste being disposed. Nonprofit organizations (501(c)(3)) are eligible for a 25% discount, and the user fee is waived.

Download our CESQG brochure in English here, or in Spanish here.

Businesses and all non-households (including churches, schools, government agencies, and nonprofit groups) may use the CHWCC on Fridays by appointment. To schedule an appointment, please visit our CESQG Appointment Request page Monday through Thursday to request an appointment time. Please note that businesses and other non-households are prohibited to use the CHWCC on weekend days.

FREE asbestos bags are available from the Resource Recovery & Waste Management Division office, located at 130 East Victoria Street, Suite 100, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) or the Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center during normal business hours for homeowners doing their own abatement. Call (805) 882-3602 ahead of time to obtain a supply of bags. Before dropping off asbestos at the Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center, you must follow specific bagging procedures. For imagery instructions, check out our asbestos guidelines here. If you need to dispose of Non-Friable asbestos at the Tajiguas Landfilldownload our permit application for further instructions. More information is listed below. Please take safety precautions while handling asbestos, or reach out to a professional.

Days and Hours of Operation

Closed during rain and major holidays, including the weekends closest to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. Please call (805) 882-3602 in advance of those occasions to determine whether or not the Center will be open.

Households may dispose of hazardous waste on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. No appointments are necessary for households. Residents can transport 125 pounds of solid waste or 15 gallons of liquid waste per trip. Businesses and all non-households (including churches and nonprofit organizations) that qualify as a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) may use the collection center on Fridays by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please visit our CESQG Appointment Request page Monday through Thursday to request an appointment time.

Also note that businesses must obtain a federal or State EPA ID number before shipping hazardous waste to a recycling or disposal facility. See our guidelines here for information on obtaining an ID number.

You can read more about the CESQG program in our Fiscal Year 2020-21 Annual Report.

The fees listed pertain to the types of hazardous waste accepted from Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQGs) and are effective from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025; however, these rates may be subject to change without notice. A new online system is now available for use by businesses (must have an invoice number) to make payments by credit card. This secure system accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, and no login is needed. Get more information and access this system.

Payments by check will continue to be accepted.

User Fee: $29.00

Automotive / Machine Shop

Waste Type Fee
Antifreeze $2.75 per gallon
Motor Oil/Hydraulic Oil $.30 per gallon
Contaminated Motor Oil $7.00 per pound
Motor Oil Filters (Metal-Based) $0.30 per filter


Waste Type Fee
Alkaline/Lead-Acid/Silver Oxide $1.70 per pound
Lithium $4.65 per pound
Automotive No Charge

Bulked Items (Based on Net Liquid)

Waste Type Fee
Latex Paint (Non-PaintCare Program) $3.95 per pound
Oil-Based Paint (Non-PaintCare Program) $3.95 per pound
Photographic Fixer/Developer $7.00 per gallon
Solvents/Fuels $7.00 per gallon
Qualifying PaintCare Products No Charge

Chemicals (Based on Gross Weight)

Waste Type Fee
Liquids/Solids (Overpack) $3.95 per pound
Liquids/Solids (Labpack) $5.80 per pound
Mercury (Elemental/Compounds) $40.05 per pound
PCB Ballasts $6.30 per pound
Qualifying PaintCare Products No Charge


Waste Type Fee
Aerosols $3.95 per pound
Asbestos (Friable) $3.95 per pound
Asbestos (Rooftar) $3.95 per pound
Contaminated Soil $3.95 per pound
Fluorescent Tubes (1x4ft=1/2 pound) $2.50 per pound
Compact Fluorescent Bulbs $1.60 per pound
Fire Extinguishers $6.20 each
Propane Cylinders (Less than 3 gallons) $5.00 each
Propane Cylinders (3 gallons and over) $19.25 each
Smoke Detectors $9.05 each


Waste Type Fee
Special Handling Rate $70.00 per hour

Read more about PaintCare qualifying products here.

City of Lompoc Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility

Businesses in the City of Lompoc that qualify as CESQGs are eligible to use the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility. The facility is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. by appointment only.

City of Lompoc Landfill

The Lompoc Landfill accepts some hazardous waste from businesses. Check out the City of Lompoc Landfill page for more information.

City of Santa Maria Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility

Businesses in the City of Santa Maria that qualify as CESQGs may use the City's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility to dispose of their hazardous wastes. The facility is open, by appointment only, on Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. More information is available on the City of Santa Maria's website.

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