Bring LessIsMore.org Home!
The Less Is More Guide is now the Less Is More Calendar! The Calendar still includes all of the same great waste reduction and recycling information that the Guide included and was designed by the RRWM team to be an informative and engaging resource for the public. We hope you like the new look!
The County started publishing the Less Is More Guide for the community in the early 1990s. Nearly 30 years later, we're still providing waste reduction and recycling information to the public through physical outreach materials, but it just looks a little different! Starting in 2025, the Less Is More Guide is now the Less Is More Calendar! The County is excited to share this new waste reduction and recycling resource with our community. We hope you find it engaging, informative, and fun!
All of the same great material from the "Guide" is still in the "Calendar" but with a new look. Plus, we included some new informational tidbits and coloring pages!
You can pick up the FREE calendar at many locations throughout Santa Barbara County, including:
- All Santa Barabra County Recycling and Transfer Stations
- The Resource Recovery and Waste Management Division's main office located at 130 E. Victoria Street, Suite 100, in downtown Santa Barbara
- All public libraries (These will be distributed through January; check out the main library branches if you don't see it at your local branch.)
- Various Santa Barbara County Foodbank food distributions
- Public-facing municipal solid waste offices
- At the ReSource Center for tour-goers
- Public-facing Santa Barbara County Sheriff locations
- Public-facing Santa Barbara County Fire Department locations
- Santa Barabra County Health Clinics
- Explore Ecology's Art From Scrap storefront
- Plus, various other events and locations!
Please note that all locations will have the Calendar while supplies last.
Check out the digital version here.
You can also check out the most recent copies of the Less Is More Guide by clicking the links below.
2022-23 Less Is More Guide (English)
2021-22 Menos Es Mas (Español)
If you'd like a hard copy of the Calendar, please contact us to request one.
What about the information on LessIsMore.org?
LessIsMore.org is the most up-to-date source for all waste reduction and recycling information in Santa Barabra County. Any changes to the guide/calendar that occur between printings are made on this site, so consider the information you find here to be the most accurate.