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NEW Online Appointment Request System for Small Businesses Using the Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center


The Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center (the "Center") is administered by the Santa Barbara County Public Works Department in partnership with the University of California, Santa Barbara ("UCSB") and the cities of Goleta and Santa Barbara. The Center is located on the UCSB campus, Mesa Road, Building 565, and is available for use by residents and businesses located within the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County, and the cities of Goleta and Santa Barbara. The Center is available two days a week (Saturdays and Sundays) to residents and once a week (Fridays) to businesses.


Businesses and all non-households (including churches, schools, public agencies, property management firms, and non-profit groups) must make an appointment to use the Center. Appointments are scheduled for Fridays only. To make a Friday appointment, please visit our CESQG Appointment Request page Monday through Thursday to request an appointment time. Businesses and other non-households are prohibited from using the Center on the weekend household collection days.


State and Federal hazardous waste laws limit the use of this type of hazardous waste collection program to businesses that qualify as Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (“CESQGs”). To qualify as a CESQG, a business must not produce more than 27 gallons or 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month, including a maximum of 1 kilogram (1 quart or 2.2 pounds) of acutely hazardous waste. Businesses that generate more than this amount are required to use a licensed hazardous waste hauler to manifest and transport their waste. To be eligible to use the Center, businesses must be from the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County, or the cities of Goleta and Santa Barbara. Businesses will be required to sign a waiver stating that they are a CESQG and understand they are required by law to have a State or Federal identification number (“EPA ID number”) as a handler of waste. You can find more information on the Department of Toxic Substances Control website.


A maximum of 27 gallons or 220 pounds of hazardous waste will be accepted at the Center per business per calendar month.


Visit our Businesses with Hazardous Waste page to view the disposal fee for the types of waste accepted at the Center.