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Find Furniture's Future Function

Furniture is great for reuse. Durable, long lasting, and repairable...It can even be reupholstered and kept looking new!

Check out different ways to keep furniture out of the landfill.

As people move and families grow and change, furniture needs change too. Thankfully, furniture's durable nature allows for many reuse options.

If you'd like to resell your furniture, you can do it on your own at a yard sale, through Craigslist and classified ads, or at a thrift store. If you have high priced or especially old furniture, you can also try antique stores. Sites listed below focus primarily on reselling.

Don't forget about the furniture three R's: Repairing, Repainting and Reupholstry!

Furniture is not only easy to repair; it's also easy to spruce up with a quick coat of paint or new fabric. Watch that old coffee table transform into something new with a splash of added color! Or simply add some accent pillows or a different cover to make your couch seem brand new. All of these small actions will help keep furniture alive and well...and out of the landfill!

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