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Mulch Program Updates!

By Mar 14, 2022 - Organics

As many community members are aware, the County has historically produced two kinds of mulch – both regular and screened. Please note that as of March 2022, the County will no longer produce the screened mulch product. But don't worry! All of our mulch pick-ups, deliveries, and the load-your-own pile will still be available for all of your mulch needs. Our regular mulch is a high quality product that provides all of the benefits of screened mulch.

The County’s Resource Recovery and Waste Management Division has been busy implementing new recycling and composting programs in our community (Psst... have you checked out the new ReSource Center yet?). We’re putting more staff time into these programs and making our current operations more efficient by only creating one mulch product.

Additionally, some of the green waste collected is now being used in the composting operations at the ReSource Center to help our final compost product. All collected green waste is still being used to create beneficial soil amendments for use throughout the region.

Remember, regular County mulch is still 100% available to commercial and residential customers. If you have any questions regarding our mulch program, please call Joey Costa at (805) 681-4981 or send him an e-mail message.

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