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Hazardous Waste Symbol Picture by Francisco Javier Argel at

Hazardous Waste Warning works best in modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer 8. All are free to download and will greatly improve your internet experience. Wastes in this section are dangerous to you and the environment. Handle them carefully and dispose of them properly. Legally, households may not transport more than 15 gallons of wet or 125 pounds of dry hazardous materials. Read about the regulation.

Pool Supplies

As much as we may dislike the smell of pool chemicals, the alternative can be just as unappealing. An untreated pool is the perfect breeding ground for harmful pathogens (think icky bacteria and other disease-carrying microorganisms).

What kinds of chemicals are used?

To keep pathogens at bay, pool owners use disinfectants, the most popular of which is chlorine. In compound form, chlorine is commonly available as calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite.

Bromine is another common pool sanitizer. Because it is more stable than chlorine in warmer water temperatures, bromine is often used in spas and hot tubs, too.

When a pool's pH level becomes unbalanced, other chemicals are used to either lower or raise the pH. Hydrochloric acid, also called muriatic acid, is frequently used for this purpose. Acids reduce the pH level. Another popular pool acid is sodium bisulphate.

To increase pH levels, bases are used, such as soda ash (sodium carbonate).

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