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Hazardous Waste Symbol Picture by Francisco Javier Argel at

Hazardous Waste Warning works best in modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer 8. All are free to download and will greatly improve your internet experience. Wastes in this section are dangerous to you and the environment. Handle them carefully and dispose of them properly. Legally, households may not transport more than 15 gallons of wet or 125 pounds of dry hazardous materials. Read about the regulation.

Road and Marine Flares

Both road and marine flares are crucial pieces of safety equipment in boating and certain occupations. Also known as Visual Distress Signals (VDS), these devices are kept on your boat or in your vehicle to be used in emergency situations. Because these devices can expire, make sure to routinely check your equipment to make sure it's in its best working condition.

This is where we come in. What do you do with expired or unwanted flares? Since these devices have explosive materials in them, they SHOULD NEVER GO INTO THE TRASH. These devices pose a huge risk to solid waste staff, equipment, and facilities. On that note, never throw any trash into the ocean or other bodies of water either.

If you have expired or unwanted road or marine flares, please keep them in a safe container and bring them to one of the local Sheriff's stations. Always call ahead to make sure that they can accept your materials at the time.

Sheriff stations will also accept unused and unwanted fireworks or ammunition.

**Please note that the Community Hazardous Waste Collection Center listed below ONLY takes road flares.**


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