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Home > Trash > Glass Trash
Tajiguas Landfill

Trash: Landfill Bound works best in modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer 8. All are free to download and will greatly improve your internet experience. Unfortunately there are still materials we can't avoid throwing away. This section contains information about what items are trash, why they are trash, and what happens to trash in Santa Barbara County.

All glass is not created equal. The glass containers found in our recycling section are roughly standardized; even if they come in different colors, recyclers know how to handle them.

The same cannot be said of other products made out of glass because of the coatings and additives used. The colors in artistic glass, for example, are derived through the use of metals. The more interesting the color, the more likely it can't be recycled due to those added metals.

What materials are we talking about?

  • Drinking glasses
  • Automobile window glass
  • Incandescent light bulbs
  • Art glass and sculptures

Check out the related materials in the side panel if you have other types of glass that can be recycled.

Where to go