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Hazardous Waste Symbol Picture by Francisco Javier Argel at

Hazardous Waste Warning works best in modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer 8. All are free to download and will greatly improve your internet experience. Wastes in this section are dangerous to you and the environment. Handle them carefully and dispose of them properly. Legally, households may not transport more than 15 gallons of wet or 125 pounds of dry hazardous materials. Read about the regulation.

Electric bikes are all the rage these days! They offer a great means of transportation that doesn't require heavy use of fossil fuels. But what do you do when the battery is out?

E-bike users can drop off their battery at any of the following locations. However, the battery must be from one of the approved brands (list here).

Please note that this is only for the bike batteries. If the bike frame has any wires or electronic components it cannot be disposed of and recycled as metal like regular bikes. If you have a e-bike frame that needs to be disposed of please contact the bike's manufacturer.

Remember batteries, of all shapes and sizes, are hazardous and pose a huge fire risk. They should never go into your trash or recycling containers.

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