About Locations
Please contact locations directly if you have questions. Many sites are private companies and non-profits not affiliated with the County. Only they can answer all your questions.
Locations marked with a “*” are run by the County of Santa Barbara, creators of LessIsMore.org.
Taipan Architectural Salvage
Address:Phone: (805) 896-4458
Website: www.taipanarchitecturalsalvage.com
Email: taipanarchitecturalsalvage@gmail.com
Sells home improvement items from homes that are typically vacant during remodeling or demolition jobs. Firm takes a percentage of the sales as a fee with the remaining revenue going to the owner. Among the types of items sold are: framing, copper piping, roof tiles, doors, windows, skylights, cabinets, lighting, flooring, sinks, toilets, bath tubs, appliances, and hardware. Items not suitable for sale are recycled.