About Locations
Please contact locations directly if you have questions. Many sites are private companies and non-profits not affiliated with the County. Only they can answer all your questions.
Locations marked with a “*” are run by the County of Santa Barbara, creators of LessIsMore.org.
Address: 121 New York AvenuePhone: (609) 393-4252
Website: www.terracycle.net
Email: customersupport@terracycle.net
This organization partners with businesses to collect their used containers and packaging for recycling. Among the products it collects are the following: yogurt containers, energy bar wrappers, drink pouches, Bear Naked bags,aluminum cans, plastic soda bottles, corks, cookie wrappers, chip bags, toasted chip bags, Mars' food, drink, candy, gum and dog food products, coffee bags, and cell phones. Depending on the number of containers or items collected in a particular category, Terra Cycle will donate a portion of the proceeds to the collector's favorite charitable organization or school. The materials collected will be made into new products and made available on-line and through major retailers.