Carpinteria ABOP Closure
Address: 5775 Carpinteria Ave Carpinteria, CA
Due to financial constraints caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the City of Carpinteria will furlough most employees from December 14, 2020 through January 1, 2021.
During the furlough, the following services will continue uninterrupted: Law Enforcement Services, Street Sweeping Services, Trash Services, Downtown Right-of-way Maintenance, and Janitorial Services at public facilities. Certain services will continue on a limited basis: Parking and Code Compliance Services, Building Inspection Services, and Accounts Payable Services. Additionally, there will be on-call personnel for situations that require immediate attention.
The ABOP collection event on December 12th will still take place; however, the event scheduled for December 26 is cancelled. Additionally, per the ABOP's regular bimonthly schedule, no collection event will take place on December 19.
To contact the City of Carpinteria Public Works Department during the furlough, please call 805-755-4443.