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Santa Barbara County Coastal Cleanup Day

Coastal Cleanup Day is an annual volunteering event to clean up Santa Barbara County's beaches, creeks, and lakes.

This year's Coastal Cleanup Day will be held on Saturday, September 20, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. until noon.

For details on how to participate in this year's event, please visit Project Clean Water's website or call 884-0459 ext. 18.

Last Year's Event

Coastl Cleanup Day Save the Date

What happened in 2012?

Coastal Cleanup Day 2012 had another huge volunteer turnout! 847 volunteers collected 1,970 pounds of trash and 622 pounds of recyclables for a total of 2,592 pounds of debris!  As part of the debris, volunteers collected over 5,000 cigarette butts, 1,800 food wrappers, and 480 plastic bags. 

Women's high heel boots, a Barbie doll, a ski jacket, VHS tapes, and fake finger nails were some of the strange items collected.

We're Facebookists now!

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What to Bring

Just like any cleanup event, it's a good idea to wear closed-toed shoes, bring your own reusable water bottle, and wear sunscreen and other sun protection like hats or sunglasses. Go the extra mile and BYO-BOB (see below)!


We encourage you to Bring Your Own Bag Or Bucket or a friend named Bob! Reusable gloves and friends of other names are welcome too.

Volunteer efforts last year saved over 500 bags, which were used for other cleanups throughout the year. The less trash we generate for the event the better it is for the environment. Read more about the effort on the Coastal Commission's website!

Do we need to bring our own supplies?

Nope. While we want to have the cleanest and greenest cleanup possible, we'll provide recycling and trash bags, gloves, and data cards for volunteers. However, don't be surprised if you only get one bag or one glove!  After all, our primary goal is to reduce...and then reuse and recycle.

Ages Requirements and Youth Volunteers

We welcome all ages at Coastal Cleanup Day. Most of our sites are appropriate for children, but if you see a location that requires lots of walking, make sure your kids can handle it. We also require a responsible adult to sign for any child under 18.

Community Service Credits

Beach captains have been authorized to sign your community service paperwork. Bring the appropriate forms and come help us out!

2013 Coastal Cleanup Day Sponsors

The County of Santa Barbara Resource Recovery & Waste Management Division of the Public Works Department expresses its sincere thanks and appreciation to the following sponsors for their participation and support for Santa Barbara County's 2013 Coastal Cleanup Day:

  • Bacara Resort and Spa
  • City of Goleta Environmental Services
  • City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation
  • Dunn School
  • Explore Ecology
  • Exxon/Mobil
  • Friends of Bates Beach
  • Friends of Los Banos Del Mar Pool
  • Gaviota Coast Conservancy
  • Hollister Ranch
  • Home Depot in Lompoc
  • Isla Vista Recreation and Park District Adopt-a-Block
  • Laguna Blanca School
  • MarBorg Industries
  • Montecito Association
  • Paradise Dive Club
  • Sansum
  • Santa Barbara Channel Keeper
  • Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
  • Santa Ynez Chumash Environmental Office
  • Sierra Club
  • State Coastal Conservancy
  • Surfrider Foundation
  • Ty Warner Sea Center
  • U.S. Bank



2013 Cleanup Sites

Below is the list of participating sites for last year's event.

(Click a region below to find nearby beaches and then click the beach name for more information about that particular site.)